Some tips to stay safe while shopping online using McAfee

Shery by Shery Williams

Published Mon, Jul 23rd 2018, 14:31 | Computers

With the help of the internet, we’re now able to do banking, shopping, bill payment, and lots more, within a minute.  In actual they take lots of time, standing in a queue, and face server issues or walk around to look for dresses, and it takes hours makes it a lot more hectic. With the upradation in mobile phones and tablets, we can do all this anywhere and anytime. The advanced technology has both boon and bane sides. On the other hand, hackers are also taking advantage of this technology, hacking down our system, devices, confidential data, banking details, and lot more.  Below are the tips to stay safe while shopping online using   


Shery Williams has been writing technical articles, She loves to write on antivirus software, web browsers, operating systems like Windows, Mac and more. In all her articles, she tries to make her readers updated with the latest changes happening around the technology world.