McAfee Deployed its Online Security with the Telefonica

Shery by Shery Williams

Published Wed, Feb 21st 2018, 14:20 | Technology

Telefonica is one of the largest telephone operators and the mobile network providers of the world,has signed an agreement with McAfee in order to strengthen its broadband services with McAfee online security. This integration of McAfee and Telefonica has marked to be the first telecommunication company that will deliver the security protection along with internet connection to all its users. Telefonica has the largest number of customers spread all over the world. Even the company is one of the largest telecommunication companies in terms of market capitalization too. The key strategy or the main goal behind the partnership of the companies is “Security by Default” i.e. to help its users by ensuring the privacy as well as securing them whenever they are connected to the internet. The company, Telefonica will submerge McAfee Secure Home Platform in its broadband routers in order to deliver powerful, seamless and the hassle free security to all the devices connected in that network. Even the partnership of both the companies will complete their vision of “” strategy with other third parties in order to offer the security to all the devices against the threats like viruses, malware, phishing as well as against the IOT threats too. This partnership of McAfee and Telefonica has been appreciated by Pedro Pablo Perez, Global Security VP of Telefonica and the CEO of the ElevenPaths (Cyber security Unit of Telefonica). He said that the company is going to increase the protection and privacy levels as soon as the users connect to the network or services of their company. Apart from this, John Giamatteo (the executive Vice President, Consumer Business Group at McAfee) also appreciated their partnership with Telefonica. He showed his appreciation through his words and said that the company, McAfee will offer ubiquitous connectivity to their users whenever they demand for the connections, regardless of their location. Telefonica shared their vision of offering the defensive layer to its users against the cyber-attacks whenever they are connected in their network services. Apart from this, the company will help their users by delivering peace of mind as well as protecting them in holistic way. Source : Follow this link for more information   


Shery Williams has been writing technical articles, She loves to write on antivirus software, web browsers, operating systems like Windows, Mac and more. In all her articles, she tries to make her readers updated with the latest changes happening around the technology world.