How to fix Norton Online Backup error?

James by James watson

Published Tue, Feb 6th 2018, 09:30 | Computers

No one can deny the fact that the digital world today is prone to security breaches, virus attacks, and other online threats. These threats attack the customers’ devices with the intent of stealing the confidential information and misusing it. Apart from this, the viruses may also damage or corrupt your important data, resulting in a big loss. To prevent these viruses get successful in their bad intentions, you can download, install and activate a Norton antivirus. A Norton antivirus not only helps the customers to protect their device from the harmful online viruses or threats but also help them back up their data without installing any other third-party software. With Norton Online Backup, you can keep copies of your irreplaceable important files, digital photos and much more highly secure and protected from the virus attacks. It lets you quickly recover your files when your system’s hard drive crashes or file system damages. While availing Norton Online Backup services, you might face several issues and one such issue occurs when you run a backup to a local storage media. The message you face with the occurrence of this error is: “There is a backup problem. Make sure the destination drive or device is connected” This can make you helpless to protect your media files. To troubleshoot the error, all you need to do is follow the below-mentioned process: Please Note that the Norton customer support provided here is applicable for the latest version of the Norton online backup. However, if you are using an older version, it is recommended to visit Norton update center or call Norton toll-free number   Step 1- Create a new backup Norton setup Open Norton and click Settings Click Backup Settings under Detailed Settings tab Now, click Configure placed under Manage Backup On the Summary tab, click “Create a new backup set placed” under Things You Can Do section Provide a name for your new backup set Hit OK Under the What tab, check the My Documents or the drives listed under Backup Sources From the File Types, choose the file category you want to back up In case you don’t want to back up any particular category, simply uncheck it. On the other hand, to add additional folders or files, click Add or exclude files and folders and then hit Include Folder or Include File to choose the same In the Where tab, make sure you choose the right destination Click Save Settings and then Run Backup Step 2- Delete your old backup set Open the Norton product and click Settings Now, click Backup Settings under Detailed Settings Click Configure available just next to Manage Backup Open the Summary tab and in the Backup Set Name drop-down menu, choose the backup set you want to delete or remove Click Delete backup set under Things You Can Do Now, delete backup set under Delete Backup Set window Hit Yes It’s done! While creating a new backup set or deleting the older one if you find an issue or error then call toll-free number. A  technician will respond to your call immediately and provide you the best solution. Source:
