Cauldron: Bubble and Boil, a game that brews up fun, is now available on Kickstarter

Donald by Donald Hood

Published Sun, Jul 30th 2017, 09:39 | Entertainment

(1888 PressRelease) This press release is about a tabletop board game Kickstarter campaign.

Wallingford, CT – Magic Circle Games introduces Cauldron: Bubble and Boil with a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. Designed by Robert Booth, Cauldron: Bubble and Boil involves the players who compete to win leadership in their witches’ coven by gardening, brewing potions and casting spells (hexes).

About the game:
In Cauldron: Bubble and Boil, players place ingredients from their gardens and place them in their own cauldron. These are used at the end of the game to brew potion recipes that players have saved during the game. Players can also cast hexes to take short cuts, score victory points, or to meddle with other players, however doing so may jeopardize their potion making because of corruption they acquire from using magic. The game has been thoroughly playtested with over 40 different playtesters and has been endorsed by many board game reviewers.

Cauldron: Bubble and Boil with its highly “replayable” addictive gameplay is now live on Kickstarter. Visit:

