My story of Fighting with Cancer

Monkey by Monkey lif

Published Tue, Jul 11th 2017, 03:39 | Advertising

No matter the kind of cancer you have after the prognosis from the oncologist, the truth is - cancer is a scary disease which fears millions of people. Irrespective of the modern medicine – the fear now also prevail for people who are diagnosed with this disease. Though, times have also changed in a way to treat cancer. Let me share you my journey of NPC as with the today`s updated technology and latest surgical developments, different kinds of cancers are productively stabilized or at times it is also cured..

The most significant issues to help you and the medical staff is to cure this disease, to catch the kind of cancer - in their initial stage. As it is seen and very much evident from the cancer survivor stories that possibility of the survival increase along with better odds in favour of patient – because of detection of the disease in early detection.

I have read few cancer survivor books where few women who are diagnosed for having the breast cancer - manage somehow and look for a different way to cope. Though: to be on getting end of the prognosis - can have the much devastating affect on the woman which might be also quite difficult to accept. Let me tell you that as per fighting cancer sayings, different kinds of cancers are curable with proper medication and high will power to fight and win this battle.

For suitable treatment to overcoming NPC which is carried out and with the medication administered, determining the kind of breast cancer in patient is quite vital. Diagnosing the breast cancer and their different kind will start in surgery of doctors', where the physician will also send the tissue sample which is known as (biopsy) to lab for detecting and analyzing. The final result of test will identify if you have the breast cancer and if yes, so what is the kind of cancer you have. I have mention my cancer story where I have specified how did the disease was detected and how did I managed to overcome. I am a NPC survivor and I am really proud of it that I win the life against cancer.

When you will see the best books for cancer patients , Self examination of your breasts must be the key priority listing in every female diary. Some women are much aware about it that much common kind of breast cancer will start off in the milk ducts or in the lobules. Now, point of the origin will get simply resolved by microscopic appearance of cancer cells when the test of biopsy is conducted.

The Medical pronunciation of various words related to the disease can also be hard to understand – hence when you are in the doubt at every point of time, then you should ensure to ask the doctor to make you understand. If you will have a better and a clear understanding about your medical condition –it will become simple and easy for you to relate about what is happening around.

Believe it, several women live and share their tale as how they were able to win their battle with cancer.
