Proven and Tested New HYIP Paying Programs

moo by moo zoe

Published Sun, Apr 30th 2017, 19:26 | Advertising

Many have been enticed with investing in HYIP sites and some have made lucrative profits with it; however, the number of people who were frustrated by such investment scheme is higher than those making profit with it. So, what have those successful ones did to make them earn profits with HYIP?

It is undeniable that there is a plethora of HYIP investment sites in the market today. Some of them are paying but unfortunately, most of them don’t. The long list of unserious HYIP programs made it hard for investors to trust new and legit HYIP sites. We have scoured the internet for budding HYIP programs who are proven to not rip you off your hard-earned money.

New HYIP Paying Programs

·         King Capital Investment – this program aims to help investors that were scammed by other HYIP investmentprograms to recover their losses and put those unserious programs out of business. They offer up to 400% interest within 4-24 hours. Withdrawal is automatic and minimum deposit is $3000.

·         Bitcoin Pay – this is founded by a group of experienced and professional bankers and traders who are mostly American and European, which enables them to trade in diverse markets for 12 to 18 hours a day. Withdrawal is automatic and minimum deposit is $300.

·         Citrus Finance Investment – Offering a fix rate of 2600% after 3 hours and most convenient plan terms, they will turn your investment into an unwavering financial machine that brings profitable returns. Withdrawal is automatic with a minimum deposit of $300.

·         Bitcoin Stock – Unlike other HYIP sites in this list, this company has been in operation since July of 2016 with their initial funds of $10 million. They’re a global investment manager, which aims to preserve clients’ assets as well as building trusts. Withdrawal is automatic with a minimum deposit of $300.

·         Top HYIP Investment Plan – this company offers a return of investment of 10-20% daily for 100 days. They are paying 7 days a week, which includes weekends. Minimum deposit is $3000 and withdrawal is automatic.

·         Victor Nigeria Investment – made up of professional traders, this company minimizes risks by trading in multiple areas of investments, such as stocks, innovative commercial businesses, Forex and many more. If you expect reliability and profitability in your investments, Victor Nigeria Investment will make it their mission to satisfy your specific needs. Withdrawal is automatic, paying members with 1000% of deposited ASAP and minimum deposit of $300.

Knowing How to Choose

Choosing the right HYIP investment site to be involved with takes patience, knowledge of the HYIP arena and being able to take risks at any levels. Without these three, your investment may be doomed.
