Bernard by Bernard Wilson

Published Wed, Apr 19th 2017, 15:56 | Health

Ulcerative colitis is also known as Colitis Ulcerosa. This is a chronic disorder caused in the colon area and is basically a type of inflammatory bowel disorder. The cause of ulcerative colitis is still unknown to the doctors, but researches have come up with different aspects that might affect the intestine and cause irritation in the bowel movement. That is, erratic eating habits, side-effects of some medicine, food allergy, stress, constipation, and strong antibiotics are some aspects that cause ulcerative colitis.

Blood in stool, weight loss, frequent fever, loss of appetite, anemia, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, can be some warning signs that you might be suffering from ulcerative colitis. Before going further with the remedies to ulcerative colitis, it is important to know the difference between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is a disease which can occur in any part of the gastrointestinal tract, whereas ulcerative colitis affects only the lining of the colon.

Well, a proper study on this disease and following the advice provided by the doctor shall help you in controlling this disorder. Below are some tips you can follow in order to improve your bowel movement and reduce the inflammations in your colon.


1.       Probiotics

Consuming probiotic food and supplements like yogurt can prove beneficial to your colon and large intestine. This remedy has no side-effects, in fact it soothes the pain and irritability felt in the stomach. Probiotics protect the mucus lining of the gut and protects the system from harmful bacteria.


2.       Coconut Water

This delicious beverage is considered to have the cooling effect to the body, hence it is largely consumed during summers. They not only cool down your system during summers and protect you from the sunstroke, but it also calms our belly and intestine. Drinking coconut water regularly will reduce the irritability faced during bowel movement.


3.       Aloe Vera

Other than its cliché benefits in having healthy looking skin and strong and thick hair, aloe vera works wonders in various other areas of health and lifestyle too. Drinking aloe vera juice daily will heal the inflammations caused in the colon.


4.       Ginger

Nobody is unaware of the medicinal benefits of this spice named Ginger. This warm and spicy ingredient works miraculously to almost all your health issue. It does its magical treatment to ulcerative colitis too. Ginger keeps this disease on check and cures inflammations caused in the gut.

5.       Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds protect the digestive tract by forming a coat around it. It stops our system from aggravating the disease and reduces the irritability. Adding a teaspoon of crushed fenugreek seeds into a cup of hot water and drinking it daily will show your visible effects.

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