Is Your Website SEO Friendly or Not?

dami by dami oyez

Published Mon, Apr 17th 2017, 13:44 | Advertising

There is some part of website which is same time much visible and overlooked. Such part is neglected frequently, can have great impact as not just how well the website that ranks in Google along with different search engines, though also has great impact on likelihood of the person who is following the link on your website. It is important to know that the analysis of search engine optimization will not be complete without proper attention to the neglected and ignored part of your site. Like the tips offered by Marketing Company Adelaide, the techniques of Google impacts the person using the website, the robots and spiders of search engine as well. When such specific part of website gets optimized appropriately, people will get much likely to click at the link while it appears in different search engines, and hence Google will allow you to rank the website much better. The tips of Best Seo Company Adelaide mainly deal with structure of the site and the URL which is also known as uniform resource locator.

Have Simple and short URL

According to Adelaide Digital Marketing Services the URL should be short and simple which will convey entire content information for the web page quite easily. You may check the URLs to always look on the SEO friendly, and the other one is not much user friendly:

When you are shopping online to buy the product, you will feel much confident when you will click on the URL which is simple and short rather than clicking on the URL which is much complicated. When you will look at the different addresses for web page, the first one will communicates entire content information available for page quite precisely and clearly and however the other which is complicated will now provide information.

Key phrases and Key Words

Using the keywords and the key phrases provided by Adelaide Seo Services for web pages folders with directories are important. In the initial example, brand name is generally used as a name of directory and model of shoe can be used as the page name. It provides a unique way to comprise the most cherished key words not just the page, but even in file structure of your site.

Using SEO URLs for improving the Google ranking:

•Use of keywords in directories and files on the website.

•Use of direct file name and directory names which are specific with contents page.

•The directory names which offer adequate information which is helpful to people using the site.

It is simple to implement it while the site is precisely designed from ground up so it is for implementing the SEO URLs while website is laid. The Dynamic URLs might be re-written like the static to make the URL’s Google friendly. When you change the file structure on the website, ensure using the redirects known 301 redirect so search engines understand to update the records for website. For better and professional SEO you can take help from Adelaide Digital Marketing professionals to explore the best strategies and to get result oriented optimization of your website.
