Get Your Photo Watermark Easily!

Mass by Mass Watermark

Published Tue, Feb 7th 2017, 14:27 | Technology

Professional photographers will need to Watermark their photos before Uploading it to the internet. The Photographers that work in different fields like to show their fresh photos on the Internet . The Internet is full with special websites for photography where people can show off their photos and they can get feedback about their images. These photos are quite often subject of Internet content theft.  People search for good pictures featuring an attraction and use these photos on their sites/blogs without even a referral link. It's not quite simple to have a solid protection from content theft, but the most famous and simple method for defending the copyright is to watermark the photo.

Different ways to watermark your photo

There are various types of watermarks that we may stumble upon while surfing the Internet. The most famous is the author name or the website link at bottom corner of the picture created with the help of a  watermark  software .The watermarking shows who owns the picture and where you should go and ask for the permission for using the image.

Other type of watermark available in photo watermark software is a logo watermark, the logo represents your firm or business.The watermark also provides strong protection for your picture but at the same time it might make the photo to be less striking and make it difficult to define the valuable elements if not used correctly. To overcome this kind of protection the thief should have  strong knowledge about graphical editing and should also spend much of their time on it. Moreover, this work never guarantees good quality results.

The photographer must also decide about the type of image protection which is most suitable according to their requirements.

What should you do when you observe your image is getting used without rights and permission?

Exactly, this is when you should need the image watermark software. Initially you should try to contact directly the site owner that uses the photo and ask him/her to remove it them from the web site. When it doesn't help – you can send a letter to the hosting provider of the website. Letter has to show where this copyrighted work is located online, date of creation and publication , and when registered. The hosting providers will take action against their unfair customers.
