Is an iPhone 5c worth it now?

Chris by Chris Cui

Published Mon, Jan 16th 2017, 05:05 | Advertising


Smartphone has played a big part in people’s life and it will continue in this way. It seems that everyone need one these days. However, among all the choices, an iPhone is one of those items that a lot of people count on these days, and it has so much influence over many aspects of people’s life. So choosing which one to buy should be an important decision. You can choose between new and refurbished, and there are also many model with various features for you to choose from. Choosing the right one that suit all you need and expectation can be really difficult, especially when it comes to a refurbished iPhone. People will buy a secondhand phone usually because of the huge discount, but this do not necessarily mean they can ignore the quality. The most common question about refurbished product is that can it work properly and last reliable for a long term. So the following thing I am going to talk should tell whether a refurbished device of some old modes like the iPhone 5c is right for you.

First we should take a look at the comparison chart for the iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c and the previous iPhone 4s, there isn’t too much of a difference between the 5c and 5s as far as features go. And you would say that the 5s has a slightly better camera and the new fingerprint technology. But beside these not noticeable changes, they are look like in many ways and if you have to pick up the difference, then the true difference lies in appearance. The 5c is just slightly bigger, comes with the colored plastic backing, and is significantly heavier.

You have to admit that the idea of the colored backing initially should catch a lot people’s attention. However, since people usually will buy a case to cover its iPhone or refurbished iPhone, so what’s the point of having a colorful iPhone or refurbished iPhone 5c when most iPhone users buy their own cases, And this is what bothers people the most. Sure, manufacturing plastic is a lot cheaper than aluminum. It’s no secret Apple thought this new option would boost their sales , their stock price dropped 11% soon after the announcement, but during the opening weekend they sold over nine million 5s and 5c units – a record-breaking number, although no word on how the 5c did on its own. But plastic looks cheap, and the new model already has a lot of negativity surrounding it that might turn potential buyers away. Apple is known for having high-end, dependable products. Their usual customers won’t settle for second best. I think it’s great they’re trying to appeal to people who otherwise wouldn’t be in their demographic, but I’m just not sure it’s the smartest business move when it comes to their American and European markets.

If you think an iPhone 5c is good for you and since it is a really old model, the best way for you to have one is buying a refurbished phone from online. But it would not be as easy as buying a new one, you should find a reliable retailer to make the deal with. First you should check the quality. The best way to ensure one is getting a refurbished iPhone in good condition is identified in the act of thoroughly examining the phone for any signs of damage and wear or to ask the seller to describe and examine the exterior of the refurbished iPhone for scratches, dent, or clearly identifiable areas of damage.

If you do not want any of these damages then you should buy a grading A refurbished iPhone 5c 16gb. After you check the product, and also you should make sure you get a warranty which can make sure your get fixed or even returned, and it should be relative long, like a year. You can also check the comment of previous buyer to verify the reliability of the dealer.
