Avoid Paying For Ignition Interlock Device Cost For Not Knowing Your Rights

Gloria by Gloria Lipp

Published Mon, Dec 19th 2016, 12:38 | Law

The introduction of Ignition Interlock Device in the market has drastically changed the manner how some states used to deal with incidents of drunken driving. Driving in an intoxicated state put millions of people at risk and even causes significant damage to their normal well-being. Statistical studies show that almost 12,000 people got killed in alcohol-related accidents in 2008 throughout the Globe. Since, then the law enacting authorities of various states have started to modify their existing enactments to impose stricter penalties on those convicted of such offense. A major step towards reducing such occurrence is the installation of an Ignition Interlock Device Cost of which is in itself a punishment for the offender.

Estimated Cost Involved
Though it may seem that the per day cost of an Ignition Interlock Device is negligible but it can turn out to be a major recurring burden in the long run. The device costs as less as $2 on an average per day and might apparently seem quite reasonable at the beginning. But with the progress in the conviction period the daily financial burden gets quite unbearable. Individuals can get a detailed breakup of the costs involved in installing such a device in the vehicle. Some provides the overall cost of the device including the device maintenance cost while others provide the price excluding such cost.

Who Are Penalized?
The compulsory requirement of installation of Ignition Interlock Device as a penalty for DWI offense can be imposed on any individual, be it for a first time or a subsequent offense. With the repetition of the offenses the time period for which such device is to be installed keeps increasing along with the suspension of driving license. For first time offenders the device needs to be installed on the vehicle for at least a year during which the driving license remains suspended and a restricted driving license is issued. After expiry of the stipulated time period the driver is required to apply to the Ministry of Transportation to have the device removed.

During the period of installation appointments regarding inspection of the device should not be missed to ensure that the device is working properly otherwise the consequences can be serious. The summed up Ignition Interlock Device cost throughout the year can escalate up to $2,000 with the minimum charges being $1,000. Second and subsequent offenders are required to undergo more frequent rolling retests than the first time offenders. As a result the monitoring and calibration cost increases leading to an increase in the total cost burden. For those who are unable to bear the cost of such device can utilize an ingredient fund specifically set up for such purpose and to be repaid in due course of time.


With the help of a good DWI Attorney Houston you can make it out of the DUI case filed against you in the court.