Lumbar Fusion –Treatment for Lumbar Spondylolistheses and Lumbar degenerative disc disease

deepa by deepa dhingra

Published Wed, Nov 30th 2016, 12:19 | Health

Many people who suffer from the problem of pain in the neck and cervical spine are recommended lumbar fusion surgery. This kind of fusion surgery is designed for stopping the movement at a painful and affected vertebral segment. This, in turn, should decrease the pain triggering from the joint.   There are different approaches when it comes to lumbar spinal fusion surgery. All these approaches involve the process mentioned below.

·         Addition of bone graft into a segment of the spine

·         The bone fusion –this leads to one fixed bone replacing a mobile joint – stops the movement at that particular joint segment.

·         Set up a biological response which is responsible for the growth of bone graft between the two vertebral elements for creating a bone fusion

For patients who are suffering from the following conditions, if excessive and abnormal movement at a vertebral segment results in the inability to function or severe pain, a doctor might recommend lumbar fusion.

·         Lumbar Spondylolistheses (post-laminotectomy, degenerative or isthmic spondylolisthesis)

·         Lumbar degenerative disc disease

Some other conditions which can be treated by lumbar fusion surgery include an unstable or a weak spine (caused by tumours or infections), deformity, scoliosis or fractures.

How spinal fusions surgery works?

At every level in the spine, there are paired facet joints in the back and a disc space in the front. Working together, these structures define a movement and allow movement of multiple types. Two vertebral segments have to be joined together for stopping the movement at one segment so that a Lumbar segment 4 and Lumbar segment 5 (L4-L5) spinal fusions a one-level spinal fusion.

A spinal fusion surgery involves making use of bone grafts to cause two vertebral bodies to grow and expand together into one long bone. Bone graft is often taken from the hip of a patient during this surgery, manufactured that is synthetic bone graft substitute or harvested from cadaver bone (allograft bone).

Cervical herniated disc

People who experience arm pain because of cervical herniated disc find respite over the time of a few weeks or months. However, if the pain lasts longer than eight months to a year or if the disability or pain is severe then you might be recommended surgery to get rid of this condition.  Spine surgery performed for treating cervical herniated disc is reliable. As a matter of fact, the success rate is ninety-five to ninety-eight percent in term of providing respite in arm pain.  It is only after examining a patient thoroughly that a doctor recommends the surgery. There are different types of surgery for treating this condition; surgeon would recommend the one which is best for you.

Irrespective of whether you have been recommended lumbar fusion or spine surgery for cervical herniated disc, make sure you choose the orthopaedic surgeon with great care. When you choose an experienced, trained, and skilled and board certified surgeon like Dr. Erik Bendiks, possibilities of complications or failure become low.  Adhere to post-operative instructions for quick and timely recovery. 
