The Most Common and Mildest Form of Periodontitis

Johnna by Johnna Belle

Published Tue, Nov 15th 2016, 11:52 | Health

It’s an inflammation of the gum line that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth; it’s also a serious bacterial infection. Many of periodontist require the immediate treatment to prevent the progression, so that it will save the gum tissue and bone. According to the survey, 90% of people think that it’s normal if their gums bleed when they brush or floss.

The early signs if you are infected are when your gums are swollen and bleeding; the structures of your teeth and jawbone can be destroyed. The Schertz Dentist have been trying to figure out what causes periodontal disease for how many years, the gum disease has been related to other health problems.

There are lots of sign and symptoms of gum disease. It’s usually begun with gingivitis; it is the most common and mildest form of periodontitis. The Chronic Periodontal Disease caused by accumulation of profuse amounts of dental plaque which is your supporting bone and fibres that hold your teeth in place are irreversibly damaged.

 Aggressive Periodontal Disease is recognized by the rapid loss of gum attachment, it’s basically the same of the chronic periodontitis but, the progression is much faster. The Advanced Periodontitis can affect your bite because your teeth are eventually shifted or loosen; the best way is to remove your teeth.

The Necrotizing periodontal diseases are a type of inflammatory gum disease caused by bacteria its appear to represent different severities or stages of the same disease process even though this is not completely certain, This diseases usually have a sudden onset, it will added to the diagnosis.

The necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is the mildest on the spectrum which followed necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis (NUP) and it’s frequently fatal.

You will know if you have a gum disease if you notice the redness, tenderness, swollen and puffiness of your gums and bleeds while you are brushing or flossing and have a constant bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth.

The best way to prevent your gum disease is to brush and floss your teeth after meals; it helps to remove food debris and plaque trapped between your teeth and gums. Then, you should use the antibacterial toothpaste or any mouthwash to kill the bacteria, it can help to reduce plaque and remove the remaining food particles that you missed in brushing and flossing. Lastly, the most important is to visit your dentist for at least 2 times a month for cleaning and check your plaque level, gums, bone structure and other risk factors for periodontal disease.
