Avoid The Burden Of Ignition Interlock Device Cost With A DWI Attorney

Gloria by Gloria Lipp

Published Tue, Oct 25th 2016, 09:30 | Law

Being convicted of a DWI offense in Texas can really be a serious concern for the offender. But many people are unaware of the consequences of the charges levelled upon them. While most convicts expect a jail sentence and some monetary penalty it can extend way more than that. The most severe of the charges involves compulsory installation of a breathalyzer in the car as the Ignition Interlock Device Cost can take a heavy financial toll in the life of the convict. It is only an experienced and skilled legal representative who can help the convict get rid of such serious charges by taking the right defensive measures at the right time.

Know The Working Mechanism Of IID Program
The Ignition Interlock Device prevents the driver from operating the vehicle under the influence of any intoxicating substance and the vehicle only starts upon confirmation through the breath test of the driver. Drivers required to make such installations are responsible for all the costs involved in installation and maintenance of the device. An in-built data analyzer records each and every event related to the use of the device. Prior to the start of the vehicle the breath sample of the driver is required and the vehicle will start only upon obtaining a zero alcohol sample. Thereafter, random samples might be asked for at frequent intervals to detect the presence of any potential intoxicating substance in the system of the driver. If any positive indication is detected the device instantly records a warning in its event log and record the Blood Alcohol Content wherever required. After every one or two months the driver is required to make an appointment at the IID installation facility and have the system serviced while getting the event log downloaded.

Facing The Interlock Device Cameras
The advancement in technology has taken these car breathalyzers to such high levels that they are both easy and reliable to use. They also ensure that the devices are developed in such a way that they are difficult to tamper with while providing the requisite data from time to time. The main problem that occurred with the earlier ignition models was that they were unable to detect whether it recorded the breath of the driver or other co-passenger. But with the inclusion of cameras to the device the entire face of Interlock Ignition devices changed. This enables the device to take pictures of the person taking the initial test as well as the rolling re-test to ensure the genuinity of the report. The information so collected is recorded for future use by the monitoring authorities. The data is also sent to the concerned authorities on a regular basis to maintain constant surveillance on the user of the device. The user of the vehicle has to take the sole responsibility of the data so recorded while it is in use by him.

Cost Of Installing A Breathalyzer
The severest punishment that an offender can expect to face out of a first time DWI charge in Texas is the mandatory installation of an Ignition Interlock Device. This is because of the high costs involved with its purchase and installation along with the cost to be incurred in relation to its maintenance. Therefore, it summarizes to the fact that even a first time DWI offender is eligible to fall within the purview of the Ignition Interlock Law as applicable in many states. The prevailing laws have been amended to include any vehicle used for employment purpose or work for the installation of a breathalyzer. This will invoke a sense of fear in them to avoid the consumption of any intoxication substance while on duty as it might lead to loss of their job.


With the help of a good DWI Attorney Houston you can make it out of the DUI case filed against you in the court.