Kitchen Hacks For Sore Throat!

Stephan by Stephan Lucas

Published Mon, Oct 24th 2016, 19:13 | Health

No matter what kind of voice type or tone you have, sore throat isn’t welcomed by anyone, and we would all agree on such note. As throughout the day one might experience uneasy and speaking, swallowing food or even gulping any kind of liquid would be an uneasy task for most, in call it seize our daily activity to some proportion thinking subconsciously it would cause pain or discomfort. And in case if someone’s job involved entirely one there communicating skill then it is ‘the’ top most priority to sooth such alignments as soon as possible!

Supposedly, there are many factors could cause such soreness viruses and viral sore throats are often accompanied by other cold symptoms like runny nose, cough, red or watery eyes, clogged buggered nostrils and sneezing and other factors like smoking, pollution or irritants in the air, allergies, and even dry air could cause it. Though there are throat lozenges in the local pharmacy, but there are some easy home hacks that can be easily found in your kitchen, like following:

Salt Water: One of the easy to find ingredient in the kitchen and gargling with lukewarm salt water can help soothe a sore throat while eliminating bacteria in the throat. A salt water solution consisting of 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water can help reduce swelling and keep the throat clean. This should be done every three hours or so. Many doctors would also suggest making it a daily routine for those who make most labor from voice.

Peppermint: it is not only useful in treatment of bad breath but it can also make more use of it, especially for sore conditions. The peppermint contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, which may help encourage healing and factually the sprays we use contains peppermint oil that works actively in order to relieve sore throats. And besides it also has menthol that helps thinning the mucus and calm sore throats and coughs.

Honey: One of the endowed ingredient natures has to offers and that can eventually help you in to course of curing sore throat. It does both, sooth the pain and discomfort and cure inflammation while giving a smooth sweet taste . It is also suggested that honey is effective at taming nighttime coughs than common cough suppressants. Other studies have also shown that honey is an effective wound healer, which means it may help speed healing for sore throats. You can also add it in your tea and for best results; you can drink green tea for a time.

Slippery elm: slight off track but still effective tip. The slippery elm has a mucus-like slimy substance that if mixed with water, can form a slick gel that coats and soothes. Sure you can add few drops of honey or some grated ginger, to make taste little interesting. And to use it, pour boiling water over powdered bark, stir, and drink, as simple as that. And in case if you get slippery elm lozenges, it can help you also help.

Licorice Root: long been used in treatment of inflammation in most of the digestive alignments, it can also be practiced to cure sore throats. And much likes slippery elm, but this time around you have to gargle, not just drink it. You can either use whole root strands or for effective use you can use its powder. All you have to do is make a powder-mixture or whole root boiled in water. Let it set cool till lukewarm consistency and then take a gulp and gargle with it. Repeat it several times with at least 2hrs of remedies.

Bonus Tips: You could literally eat fenugreek seeds in routine diet once in a while, use the oil topically, or drink fenugreek tea which is a natural remedy for sore throats also. As the facts suggested, healing powers of fenugreek with its anti-inflammatory effects that can relieve pain along with its antibacterial properties can kill off bacteria that cause irritation or inflammation.

There are many other tips like chamomile tea, wholesome ginger or ginger tea you can try to keep it controlled and curing. And in case of throat soreness last for more than a week, then it is suggested to seek medical assistance as it could be something serious!

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