Disc disease treatment to get rid of several problems

deepa by deepa dhingra

Published Sun, Sep 25th 2016, 11:32 | Fitness

Most people who are suffering from disc diseases should know that it can be easily treated with conservative care that is non-invasive methods. Non-invasive care comprise of medication for controlling pain and inflammation (steroid medication delivered through either epidural injections or orally), exercise and physical therapy. Surgery for disc disease treatment is considered only when patients fail to achieve respite even after six months of surgical care or are not able to perform daily activities. It is, however, the last resort and is considered only in extreme conditions. The constant pangs of pain along with the intensity and frequency of the flares can be mitigated through several non-surgical options.

Type of treatment that will be prescribed depends mostly on the kind of disc disease treatment patient is suffering from. There are different treatment options to help people manage day to day activities.  In some cases, patient responds to one treatment while some need combination of treatments. Patient can experience relief if timely treatment is initiated.

In the recent years, spinal fusion surgery is performed to treat different problems. Fusion refers to a surgical technique in which one or more vertebrae are joined together so that there is no motion between them. Often, concept of fusion is considered similar to the one in welding industry. However, cervical fusion surgery does not aim at welding vertebrae immediately during the procedure. Instead, spine surgeon places bone grafts around the spine while performing surgery. It takes several months to heal the grafts – just like healing a fracture – which unites vertebrae together. 

When is cervical fusion recommended?

There are several reasons for an orthopedic surgeon to consider this surgical procedure. Some of these reasons include – correction of deformity (slippages or spinal curves),treatment of instability, treatment of fractured bone, treatment of some kind of cervical disc herniation, and respite from pain triggering from painful motion.

One of the most common and less controversial reasons to perform spinal fusion is vertebral fracture. Saying that does not mean all vertebrae fractures require surgery, however some fractures do – especially those associated with nerve injury or spinal cord. Such fractures need fusion as a part of the surgical treatment.

In some cases, a hairline fracture lets one vertebra to slip forward on another. It is this condition which is known as spondylolisthesis. It can be treated with fusion surgery. Potential or actual stability is another condition treated with this surgical procedure. Instability refers to excessive or abnormal motion between two or more vertebrae.According to healthcare professionals and surgeons, instability can trigger either neck or back pain or cause damage or potential irritation to adjacent nerves.

No matter what your problem, surgeon would recommend cervical fusion surgery only after examining a patient thoroughly. Seeking advice from experienced and expert surgeon can help you achieve satisfactory results.  Consulting Dr. Erik Bendiks for spinal fusion surgery is one of the best ways to learn about disc disease treatment cervical fusion surgery. 
