Converting a visitor to a customer

Pinki by Pinki Kumari

Published Mon, Jun 27th 2016, 13:03 | Web Design

So you have an Ecommerce site with lovely products beautifully set, but sales are meager. Well, there’s something wrong!

Probably you should look into the customer experience you provide to your site visitors.

An easy navigation within a site tops the list to improve user experience! Everyone wants it easy right? So do it.

Make registration on the site easy and simple. Probably sign up with their social media accounts.

Don’t make them type a lot. Reduce the unwanted fields in the form. The more you ask of a customer, more likely he will drop off.

Allow people to purchase in their home currency. It saves hassles like conversions and complaints. It may cost you a little more. But you rather lose a dine than a customer.

So go ahead, make your site pretty looking, easy to navigate and quick for the customer to buy. You’re in for big bucks!

There are many other practices beyond this to make stacks of cash. Once you’ve got your website and mobile site perfect, work on spreading the word to the right people.

Now this shall be covered very soon. Till then remember, UX it is!
