Make your website stand class apart

Pinki by Pinki Kumari

Published Mon, Jun 27th 2016, 13:02 | Web Design

Statistics show that there are around 1,004,369,526 sites in February 2016! A large percentage of them die naturally, but every second a new site is up. With so much clutter in this sphere, your website gets lost in a corner, unseen.

While every agency claims to have the skills and experience to build a site apt for your brand, many forget the basics. And your site becomes a part of the CLUTTER!

So how can you make your brand/site to be seen and recognized? Let’s run through the main things to make your site seen and apt.

Many a times, the basic point about who are you making the website for, is lost. Every website should be audience centric, for which, one must understand the audience’s demographics, needs and aspirations. Your content strategy must be in line with your audience’s needs. Once you have helped them resolve a problem on your site, you have won half the battle.

Place your logo in a prominent place in the site. While your site is loading, a look on the logo by the visitor will decide whether he still wants to remain on the site or move on. A logo establishes authenticity and legitimacy for a brand.

We all know it,content is the King. A visitor checks any site for information that is authentic, truthful and useful. Content which is plagiarism free and grammatically correct with no spelling mistakes will earn you brownie points. Remember, content plays an important role in SEO too.

You don’t need researchers to tell you about how mobile is used to access internet. In this smart phone age, it is important to have a mobile friendly site to give your smart phone visitors the best user experience.

While the above will help you build a website, it certainly requires a Midas touch. Using the right colours, the method of dealing each issue and the use of right typography is necessary to make you visitor awestruck.
