How Long Does A Memory Foam Mattress Last?

Rajeev by Rajeev Sahadevan

Published Tue, Mar 22nd 2016, 10:05 | Home Repair

Depending upon the recipe, a memory foam mattress could last anywhere between 10-20 years. With proper care and protection for the mattress it is not difficult to prolong its life. Yes, every mattress has its lifespan and the same for the memory foam depends on its make, quality of the materials used and the care or maintenance done on it by the user. Memory foam mattress of high quality can last for as long as the highest quality spring coil mattress. But of course, the price would also be high.

Factors That Affect The Lifespan Of The Memory Foam Mattress

·         Quality of materials used affects the most and is the deciding factor as to how long do the memory foam mattress last. Memory foam is high density foam made with polyurethane and other chemicals. The longevity of mattress increases with the density of the foam. Whatever the mattress is made of do expect some amount of sagging or dipping of about 2cms. Anything more than that indicates low quality material.

·         Support system is very much important for the memory foam mattress. Using an old box spring could just kill the mattress and lead to an untimely death of it. Always use a new support system for the foam mattress that is made for it. A flat surfaced support is what is best for memory foam mattress. Make sure the crates in the bed frame are closer in case there are no foundations used. The gaps between the crates can cause sagging in the areas.

·         Flipping and rotation is the only way you can prolong the life if a memory foam mattress. It would be best to rotate the mattress regularly once in every 3 months. This causes less time for the body impression and enough time to recover the dipped areas. Any mattress that is bigger than a twin size should be rotated regularly. If the mattress is double sided flip it every 6 months. If you have a thin mattress, rotate it with every sheet change and flip it monthly.

·         Maintenance is highly important. You must use a mattress cover and a protector for memory foam mattress. Memory foam mattress should not have any fluid spilling as it is difficult to clean them up. It can damage the material. A water resistant mattress cover should also be bought along with a memory foam mattress. Clean it regularly with a vacuum. Sprinkle enough amount of baking soda all over the mattress every 3 months. It will absorb the moisture and also deodorize the mattress. With proper and regular maintenance it is possible to keep the same memory foam mattress for over 10 years.

Look for the warranty on the mattress. If the warranty period stated is an assurance that the mattress is expected to run for that much long. Most quality memory foam mattress have a lifespan of 10 years and some may even go up to 20 years. 

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