Commandments for every woman

Arjun by Arjun Rathor

Published Tue, Mar 8th 2016, 13:33 | Internet

We all make resolutions, follow it for some time and forget about it. We overlook our needs for family and work. We come at the end sometimes for ourselves, sometimes it just doesn't because of our routine. But there comes a time where one needs to focus on one self, drop the bad habits, pick the good and cultivate new ones. To glow, to stay strong and for a peaceful living! 

Here are a set of rules which every woman should treat it as a commandment and follow it with diligence.


Build the foundation

Like starting fresh and new, leave behind the bad habits make a resolution to follow good habits. Habits that will build a strong foundation for you to lead a happy and healthy life.


Your body

Treat your body well! Protect your skin, wear sun block! Skip the dye and use henna for your hair. It will be long and strong. Be who you are. If you love make up, go ahead and use it. Just be you, but it doesn't mean you don't experiment. Take away all the things that keep you from yourself.



Stretch your body. It will stretch your thinking ability and bring in mental peace apart from keeping your body fit. Try yoga, it's an exercise for your mind too!


Eat to nourish

We always eat what appeals to our eyes and taste buds. If you have ignored the nourishment, food provides, then it's time to rethink the food you eat. Eat fruits in the morning, reduce wheat, add a lot of fibre in your food and keep a check on your sugar intake.


Your style

Dress for who you are and don't do it because of social pressure. Dress to satisfy yourself and feel good. Every time you dress, it should add an oomph of confidence to you. Carry confidence and your style will follow (probably be followed too :). 


