The Weight Loss Workshop

Donald by Donald Hood

Published Fri, Feb 5th 2016, 12:16 | Health

(1888 PressRelease) Whether you're looking to firm up, slim down, stay thin, hit the gym, eat right or just lead a healthier lifestyle, we hope the will empower you to find the right weight-loss or fitness solution.

The workshop will have a established Nutritionist, Alison Birks, in the Hartford area. She will be offering customized guidance on healthy diet habits based on each workshop participants lifestyle and will consider any special dietary requirements (e.g. gluten-free). The focus of the Nutritionist's advice will be to help participants adopt healthy ways of eating, from meal planning to grocery shopping to cooking, which are conducive to long-term, healthy weight management. Slow and steady is the key to healthy weight loss and they will offer guidance that supports a healthy diet lifestyle.

Also attending the workshop will be certified personal fitness trainer, Tyler Lamontagne, that works with clients of all ages and body types to achieve their fitness goals.

Participants of the workshop will be encouraged to interact one-on-one with the Nutritionist and Personal Trainer to describe their current lifestyles and receive customized guidance on how to incorporate healthy, sustainable exercise activities. Again, the goal here to is to make slow, gradual changes that lead to long-term health and can last a lifetime.

This workshop is entirely free of charge. This is a public service outreach of to promote the long-term vision of the site which is public education in the area of healthy diet and weight loss.
