Robotize your Mobile App Testing- A test Driven Development Approach

Aabharan by Aabharan Shastri

Published Sun, Nov 1st 2015, 16:02 | Technology

An enterprise can avail several advantages by automating its software testing. Along with beating the competition by launching the application early, the customized test automation tools will further optimize its performance by identifying all bugs, errors, and flaws. But each organization must examine some additional points to effectuate its test automation strategy. The software testing strategy can be further optimized by adopting test-driven development approach.

Under test driven development approach, the automated test cases are written before the coding starts. The test case clearly defines the improvements and new functionality required, for passing the basic code you need to require basic code of any application test. Based on the initial test results, the new code is reusable to meet the sufficient standards. If you are planning to make a comprehensive automated testing strategy for your project, it is time to understand why you must try the test-driven development (TDD) approach.

Top 5 Advantages of Test Driven Development Approach

1) Easy to Check Individual Logics

Under this approach, testing is integrated from the granular levels of the software development process. So it becomes easier to check individual and standalone pieces of logic regardless of frequent modifications. As the application needs to be tested thoroughly once the development process is over, loads of new and modified test cases need to be run to ensure that the application is running flawlessly. The new approach makes it easier to update the legacy applications by incorporating changes in the current software development process. That is why; the Test driven development approach can be adopted by both young and old organizations to achieve different objectives.

2) Better Options to Streamline Codebase

As automated test cases are written before the coding starts, it becomes easier for an enterprise to get enhanced test coverage without any hassle. The initial refactoring process further helps programmers to write as well as streamline the code base. Also, it becomes easier for developers to maintain the code base without putting any extra effort. They can avoid writing any additional code if the test case is not written or use-case is not available for a specific functionality.

3) Create a Clean Interface

Under the conventional testing approach, the programmers write code by focusing mainly on the internal working of the application. So they often ignore to check the code from an API-user perspective. If you follow test driven development approach you need to written test case first and emphasizes on your application while testing. So the APIs generated apps based on these prettified cases are written from the expected result of an API-user. These techniques also result in building an interface that is both clean and economical.


4) Smooth Incorporation of Changes and New Functionalities

The Test Driven Development approach avoids the code base from becoming dated and monolithic through the refactoring process. The process further makes it easier for developers to optimize and strengthen the code base by incorporating changes. As the process is flexible, the programs can include new functionalities and features by changing the entire architecture of the application. At the same time, they can make the code more efficient by frequently incorporating fresh and innovative ideas without any hassle.

5) Embrace New Technology without Any Hassle

The Test Driven Development approach requires the use-cases to be written as test-cases. So the programmers and code writers can observe the test cases to understand the objectives of writing a specific piece of coding. At the same time, unit tests enable developers to adopt and use new technologies by acting as an efficient learning tool. They can simply refer to a small set of predefined unit test, and understand how to address a specific coding bottleneck. Also, the existing codebase can be accessed by new developers to update the application by including new functionalities.

There are always chances that you may have to put some additional time, effort and money to adopt test driven development. But the initial investment will get you higher returns in the long run by delivering rich and flawless user experience.

Mobile device proliferation and OS permutation due to vendors using the core Android OS and then adapting to their own needs and applications that they plan to implant in the bios. Since testing is not possible on every device, this leads to a functionality test matrix that needs additional dimensions including mobile Platforms/OS (Android, IOS, BREW, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Blackberry (RIM) and so on combined with different physical devices.

Device coverage can't be done with all physical devices so evaluating when and where to invest in devices needs to be balanced with the use of emulators and device rentals (real) or simulated via vendors such as Perfecto or Device Anywhere.

Different mobile carriers and manufacturers may preinstall some features or programs in the device with slight differences that your application may collaborate with causing additional variable.

This is just the short list. Tackling these issues requires a well planned out strategy that not only takes into account mobile applications testing it, but how it integrates with development, testing methodologies and your accessible resources. How do you get started in assuring the quality of your mobile application in this fragmented market given a limited amount of resources?

You can hire mobile app testing companies from top software testing companies in India who can help you achieve testing within allocated budgets and time schedules. 


I am Aabharan Shastri working as a software tester at the mobile application testing company from last four years. I love to write testing blogs, playing LAN games and finding bugs in games.